Welcome to Prime Medical College & Hospital, Rangpur. Mobile : +880-01854-819-300 (College), +880-01877-749-888 (Patient Admission & Emergency), +880-1882-004-480 (Hospital & OT), +880-1710-919-070 (Diagonostic)

Our Mission & Objectives

Our Mission

To maintain the highest standard of services to the humanity and community. To produce medical professionals having Excellent knowledge, Skills and Wisdom.

Our Objective

Student can be able to identify and manage health problems by individual in community level. To provide quality medical care and heath services to people at reasonable cost. To provide skilled manpower in the medical profession. To conduct research on Medical education with the aim of raising the standard of Medical education in the country. To conduct research work on the diseases prevalent in the country. To promote and provide studies in Medical Science leading to be recognized by the postgraduate institutes. Can develop and maintain integrity and highest level of ethical and professional standard.

Prime Medical College Teacher's List

Prime Medical College Committee