Message from Managing Director
Prime Medical College entered into a new era through the merger with Samuda Group, Bangladesh. Samuda Group is one of the topmost enterprises of Bangladesh. They share experiences in different fields of industrialization, trading and charitable activities. This merger has opened the door of opportunities for Prime Medical College to reach the paragon of Stake-holders and professionalism. At the height of covid crisis, Prime Medical College provided dignified health care facilities to the humanity with utmost dedication.
Bangladesh has attained lot of developments in the health sector. There has been a proliferation in health infrastructures such as public and private medical colleges, medical universities, specialized private hospitals, rural health centers and community clinics. In spite of these achievements, full health coverage has not been ensured for the total population. The Government of Bangladesh is considering attainment of the targets of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) by earliest possible time.
Prime Medical College commits to play an important role to contribute the nation for the achievement of SDG. To reach the destination, Prime Medical College is providing clinical service from primary health care level to specialty and super specialty level comprehensively. With the heartfelt cooperation and sincerity of all relevant sectors we would be able to make Prime Medical College a center of excellence soon. Present merger of Prime Medical College with Samuda Group, will help to rebuild the institute as an international level specialized medical education and treatment center.
Mohammad Mustafa Haider
Managing Director
Prime Medical College, Rangpur